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Paolo Veronese


Here is a glorious survey of the work of Paolo Veronese (1528-1588), one of the most prolific and successful painters of the Italian late Renaissance. Together with Titian and Tintoretto, he is associated with some of the greatest Venetian art of the 16th century. Working in a dramatic Mannerist style early in his career, Veronese quickly gained a reputation for his dignified depictions of classical elegance and grandeur. Known for his enormous feast scenes, frescoes and ceiling paintings, Veronese refined the use of colour to enhance his illusionistic effects: he has been called the greatest colourist who ever lived. In Venice, Veroneses mural and ceiling decorations for the Church of San Sebastiano, the Doges Palace and the Marciana Library earned him early acclaim. His later work became sought more widely: Velazquez purchased two mythologies for the Spanish Royal Collection.


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твердая, суперобложка
333 x 279 x 32
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Here is a glorious survey of the work of Paolo Veronese (1528-1588), one of the most prolific and successful painters of the Italian late Renaissance. Together with Titian and Tintoretto, he is associated with some of the greatest Venetian art of the 16th century. Working in a dramatic Mannerist style early in his career, Veronese quickly gained a reputation for his dignified depictions of classical elegance and grandeur. Known for his enormous feast scenes, frescoes and ceiling paintings, Veronese refined the use of colour to enhance his illusionistic effects: he has been called the greatest colourist who ever lived. In Venice, Veroneses mural and ceiling decorations for the Church of San Sebastiano, the Doges Palace and the Marciana Library earned him early acclaim. His later work became sought more widely: Velazquez purchased two mythologies for the Spanish Royal Collection.
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